Jokake has one Superintendent that everybody knows by name…Carl Politico. Furthermore, before you even know he is around, you will hear his signature sound of his keys jingling or his booming laugh and voice. Without fail, Carl will make anybody’s day better. Beyond his personality, though, is one of Jokake’s longstanding employees whose work ethic is incredible.
Starting at Jokake in April 1998, Carl was an entry-level carpenter, assisting on jobs, learning the skills needed for growth, and becoming everybody’s best friend. He translated his commitment to the company to growing his career as he and his wife raised two children, who are now high schoolers. Beyond Carl’s valuable tenure with the company is his value in communicating, solving problems, and making the construction experience an enjoyable one.
In March 2023, Carl Politico was promoted from Senior Superintendent to General Superintendent, a well-deserved role. Working in tandem with field and project operations, Carl will mentor, train and support the company’s Superintendents, paving a similar path for them like his own. In reflecting on his career and new position, Carl said, “I’m so honored to be trusted with this role and work with so many of our guys while staying connected to our clients.”
Cheers to Carl and 25 years as, arguably, Mr. Jokake!